Creative Portfolio con't
"Writing is my passion, and bringing great stories to life is the goal. I delight in bringing real stories to the stage while providing the audience with an up-close and personal experience that inspires and motivates them to live their best lives. In addition, years of experience as a playwright have led to discovering other passions as an author, journalist, motivational speaker, and life coach. Life's journey is a blessing that I try not to take for granted." KAT

Stage Play
From Broken Pieces to a Living Testimony
An older couple finds themselves homeless after losing their home of 50 years. They arrive at a church to find the choir members in rehearsal. They hope to find a place to stay until they figure out their next moves. However, after intruding on choir rehearsal, they find themselves teaching the members a lesson or two regarding the true meaning of life, love, forgiveness, and faith.
This play will have the audience in stitches and tears.
Stage Play
Hear Our Cries Lord
How well do we know our neighbors? Well, the people in this building do not know each other at all, or so they think. However, as the story unfolds, they quickly learn that their lives are more intertwined than they would have ever expected. It takes a community working together for everyone to overcome life's obstacles.
This story will take the audience on a rollercoaster of emotions - so get ready!

Writer Unboxed
Article "Are You Happy" written by Karen Abbott-Trimuel
Go to www.writerunboxed.com for the article "Are You Happy." An article about asking ourselves the difficult questions, writing a plan of action, setting mindful intentions, and setting ourselves free to get to our happy place.
The Lansing Journal
Articles written by and about Karen Abbott-Trimuel
Go to The Lansing Journal website @ www.thelansingjournal.com
A great resignation: Karen Abbott-Trimuel abandons corporate world to pursue writing and self-fulfillment.
Bert Wories shifts gears after over 50 years in automotive industry.
Ribbon-cutting ceremony kicks off grand opening of S. L. Wine Bar.
Common Ground celebrates one-year anniversary, welcomes new learners.
And many more...